In our nursery school in Vicenza we pay particular attention to food intolerances. In these cases, in fact, we follow an internal protocol which allows you to keep under control all the steps that go through food from the moment of preparation to the moment it arrives at the table ready to be eaten by the children.
Nutrition in our nursery in Vicenza
For children, being able to eat in a healthy and balanced way is of fundamental importance. This is why our Nido pays particular attention to the formulation of its menus. A specialized cook works daily in the nursery school (to see the courses she has followed click here) who prepares meals using food according to the dietary indications of the recipe book issued by the Veneto Region. All the meals we serve to our children are prepared giving absolute preference to seasonal fruit and vegetables, to simple and wholesome foods and without the addition of polyphosphates. biological. In summary: for children under twelve months, the food is entirely organic 5 days out of 5 (in addition to homogenized organic products we use organic cereal creams produced by HiPP - www.hipp.it); for all children every week there are BIO Fridays during which foods prepared exclusively with foods from organic farming are offered. At the Nursery, children experience baby food as an important moment of socialization, sharing and relationship. At the same time, they gradually experience their autonomy towards food, learning to relate to individual foods in the most appropriate way. Snacks are offered to the child at 9 am and 2.30 pm. The baby food is normally served at 11, although slight changes in the schedule are obviously possible when the younger children begin to live and experience their life at the Nursery. Furthermore, during the insertion period, the educator follows the eating habits of each individual child as much as possible. Later, in agreement with the family, it will instead be his task to integrate new foods into his diet, but always and strictly fresh and healthy. In special cases (allergies, intolerances, intestinal disorders, etc.), the educator will agree with the parent the most appropriate diet, in order to facilitate the well-being of the child. see an example) all the indications on our daily menu, to allow parents to adapt the child's evening meal from a nutritional point of view.
© 2014 Bilingual Nursery Biopappamondo Via M. Polo 29 Vicenza - 0444 960274 - info@biopappamondo.it