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Authorization and Accreditation of our nursery in Vicenza


The Veneto Region, through the Department of Social Policies, has set the standards that kindergartens must respect  to be able to obtain "Institutional Accreditation". The institutional accreditation of the Bilingual Kindergarten  Biopappamondo, following the authorization already received by the Municipality of Vicenza, is the completion of a certification process that lasted one year and aimed at guaranteeing the MAXIMUM in terms of services rendered by our kindergarten to Parents. The qualifications required by the Veneto Region to grant institutional accreditation are functional (number, titles, function of personnel), structural (adequate spaces, respecting safety standards), technological (updated equipment and instruments) and organizational.  The objective, therefore, of the Accreditation system is  improve efficiency, effectiveness, safety, accessibility, humanization, in a word the quality of the service provided by the structures present in the Veneto and Vicenza in particular. Click here to see the official documents.

© 2014 Bilingual Nursery Biopappamondo Via M. Polo 29 Vicenza -  0444 960274 -

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